Activate Automatic MCS Upgrade [actMcsUpgrade] for LTE throughput Improvement
Activates downlink MCS Upgrade functionality for non-GBR transmissions and specifies if the upgrades can increase the MCS index by one or two. The purpose of this function is to improve over the air spectral efficiency. Full RBG allocations (RAT0) are used for DL scheduling. This leads to spectrally inefficient allocations when a partial RBG is needed to drain a UE's buffer.
For example in a 20 MHz system if 5 PRBs are required to drain a UE's buffer, an allocation of two RBGs is required, i.e. 8 PRBs. If MCS Upgrade is enabled, an MCS upgrade will be used so that an allocation of one full RBG (4 PRBs) can be used to drain the UE's buffer. MCS upgrades are only used to reduce a 3 RBG allocation to 2 RBGs or to reduce a 2 RBG allocation to 1 RBG
actMcsUpgrade[Activate MCS upgrade] For Nokia OEM Paramter name is actMcsUpgrade which has different values as below
0: Disabled
1: SingleMcsIndexUpgradeOnly
2: SingleOrDoubleMcsIndexUpgrade
Above Pre-Post snap is one of cluster where we did trails in one of Indian Metro Mumbai and result was very much encouraging
Below wer Impact
Overall- Traffic increased
MCSupgrade counters started pegging – 689 Mn. attempt
Overall, cells <2Mbps reduced by ~7% due to gain in DL throughput.
Rest all KPI’s and CCs inline.
Counter plz