Latency and Jitter impact in LTE Volte services

Latency and Jitter impact in LTE Volte services The jitter and latency are used as the metrics to measure the performance of the network. The main difference between the jitter and latency lies within their definition where latency is nothing but a delay through the network whereas the jitter is variation in the amount of the latency. The jitter and Latency are the crucial metrics to monitor and measure the network performance. Latency is the period starting from the transmission of the packet from the sender to the reception of the packet at the receiver. On the other hand, the jitter is the difference between the forwarding delay of the two consecutive received packets in the same streams Latency :-latency is simply a measured delay, the time it takes for a task to occur. In term of VoIP ,LTE services Latency is defined as the average time between the transmission of packet and the reception of an acknowledgment. Low latency is a key performance index for...